Saturday, January 16, 2016

The new Seven Natural Wonders of Africa were announced in Arusha, Tanzania last month – here are the seven incredible places that made the list:
1. Serengeti Migration

Did you know
  • The migration crosses Tanzania and Kenya
  • It pans 18,641.1 square miles (30,000 sq km)
  • It is the longest and largest overland migration in the world
  • The name Serengeti means “endless plains”
For more about the Serengeti Migration, check out 10 Mind-Blowing Moments from the Great Mara Migration.
2. Ngorongoro Crater

Did you know?
  • It is the largest unbroken volcanic caldera in the world
  • It’s is referred to as “Africa’s Garden of Eden”
  • The crater is 12 miles (19 km) across and covers 102 square miles (264 sq km)
  • It rises over 2,000 feet above the caldera floor
  • It’s home to over 30,000 animals including the rare black rhino
3. Mount Kilimanjaro

Did you know?
  • It is the tallest mountain in Africa, reaching 5,895 m
  • It’s the tallest free-standing mountain in the world
  • There are seven different peaks, with Uhuru Peak being the highest
  • Kibo peak features a 1.5 mile wide crater

4. The Nile river

Did you know?
  • It’s the longest river in the world stretching 4,132 miles (6,650 km)
  • It traverses across 10 countries
  • The mouth of the river is in Egypt
  • There  are two sources – one in Uganda and the other in Ethiopia

5. The Red Sea Reef

Did you know?
  • It’s home to over 1,100 species of fish, of which 1 in 10 occur only in this area
  • The reef extends over 1,200 miles
For more about The Red Sea Reef, check out our Six of the best Dive Sites article in Safari interactive magazine.

6. Sahara Desert


Did you know?
  • It’s the largest hot desert in the world
  • It covers 11 countries and accounts for 3,500,00 square miles (9,000,000 sq km)
  • The sand dunes are as high as 600 feet (180 meters)
  • It’s home to several features which could be considered “wonders” themselves
7. Okavango Delta

Did you know?
  • It is the largest inland delta in the world
  • It’s created by annual seasonal flooding which peaks in July and August
  • It’s flat – with less than 7 feet of variation
  • It’s been recognized as a World Heritage site


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